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How much does it cost to install a socket?

And if you’re installing one outdoors, the cost does differ. Some of the most common types include: Single: A standard socket with a single plug. These are useful for single appliances, or tight spaces. They cost on average £150 to install.

What is socket & how does it work?

What is Socket? Socket is an interoperability protocol for secure & efficient data and asset transfers across chains. Socket is not a bridge, or a cross chain app - it is an infrastructure that allows developers to build these things easily. Developers can use Socket to build apps with interoperability as a core part of app infrastructure.

How much does it cost to install a USB socket?

Double sockets cost on average £150 to install. USB socket: These cost a little more to buy than single sockets but give you the added convenience of being able to charge by USB whilst keeping the plug free for other appliances. They are very useful for heavy tablet and phone users. USB sockets cost on average £150 to install.

What is a web socket?

It really depends upon what you're comparing it to. webSockets are typically used when the server needs to be able to send data to a client when the data comes available (often called "server push").

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